piątek, 27 lutego 2015

Pictrues of makeup on models;)

That one of my model for makeup- Sabrine. I promised about those pictrues before but was not possible to do it earlier.
In that day i had two modelst to do.
And thats Second- Andrea;)

You like it?:)
For now i have every weekend work in Saturday on fotoshoots ;)
And i have moooore pictrues  to show you. but that next time;) I am sure that next pictrues of makeup you will like it more like it;)
Questions?:) Comment;)

type of beauty- autumn

Fall color is characterized by a clear complexion with a golden hue or shade golden-beige or peach. Women with this type of beauty tend to have red hair, sometimes brown with a golden sheen or blond, and his eyes in an intense color - from blue, through olive, emerald, amber to brown.Beauty autumn is also complexion with freckles which should not be suppressed but only slightly powder. As emphasized type of beauty autumn?
Lord of the autumn type of beauty usually have red hair with a very warm color. However, this type of beauty can also have blonde hair color that falls in soft brown or amber. If you decide to fall haircut to repaint the hair should reach for all shades of red-haired or chestnut. Face it also will be in red. On the other hand it have to be avoided like the plague black hair.


Face women with type of beauty can be bright autumn colors. Additionally they can adorn freckles . Some women with this type of beauty are however far darker skin shining in golden color. Women with fair skin should remember that this is not the appropriate tanning because sunlight can make their alabaster skin turns into a fiery red.

Lady's eyes fall mostly green but it is not any rule. Some women with this type of beauty have blue eyes, beer, brown or gray. But it does not meet the lady of the autumn type of beauty with eyes black.

For women with a type of beauty autumn will be preferred beads and other ornaments, having to do with what is natural. Jewelry autumn women should not be too shiny or made of silver. For this type of beauty fits: gold, wood, amber, yellowed ivory, red coral, agate, jade and yellowish-green pearl.
Autumn woman in choosing colors of clothing should suggest to "their colors", ie gold, brown, blue-green, dark blue, dark denim, dark green, warm tones of gray, cream, beige, the color of straw and eggshell. These colors are warm and earthy colors are. This type of beauty does not look good in pink, pure white, bright blue and bright pink. The red-colored clothing tomato, cancer and enhance the beauty of geraniums. It is worth to wear orange clothes and different shades of green. Female beauty autumn is best presented in colors reminiscent of autumn landscape.


Type of beauty autumn looks very good, not only in makeup sober but also sophisticated with extravagant colors. Among these lipsticks check in brown  red and shades of copper, tomato, salmon, terracotta and cinnamon. The make-up will not fit pearlescent colors. Well brighten the eye color salmon, peach and sunny.  Eye shadows and eyeliners should be brown and warm, in autumnal colors. You fall more often than other types of beauty can afford to walk without makeup.

Sometimes the type of beauty autumn can be confused with the type of spring. To make sure what type of beauty to be, you know that autumn tans very hard. After soaking up the sunshine skin is reddened and not brown and remain there only new freckles and blemishes. This feature clearly distinguishes the type of spring.

  That's all of types I hope that this will helpful ;)

type of beauty- summer.

Not every type of beauty has the freedom in choosing the right colors like summer. Ms. Summer is a type of beauty, which fits many colors and shades. It is primarily a woman with blond hair and bright, porcelain skin. Do you complain sometimes too bright hair or skin? You're probably the summer. Below, you can make sure that your type of beauty corresponds to the "summer" skin, as well as learn what colors of clothes and cosmetics should choose to emphasize their beauty.

Summer skin is clear and delicate, porcelain shade. It can be slightly, naturally rosy. So clear skin can often blush, which adds to its charm.Women's Summer lips are slightly pink. A tan is the most ... Sunny burns or roses.
Summer hair have always cool shade, but the color range is wide:
  • almost white,
  • cool shades of blonde,
  • color "mouse" or light gray,
  • cool brown.
If your summer decides to paint hair, should like the devil holy water beware of black, sometimes embarrassing grenade, because in this type of beauty, its color will not look right. Moreover, just as bad for you, summer is on the blond hair coloring, catching yellow. In shades of dark chocolate on the type of beauty ladies summer will look phenomenal.Although best present themselves when you do not change the natural hair color.
Eyes on the type of beauty summer, may also have a wide variety of shades:

  • green,
  • Brown,
  • blue,
  • gray.


Summer beauty type requires toned and cool colors. This applies to both the clothes and jewelry or makeup.However Choose pastel shades and avoid contrasts. Here are examples of colors for  summer:
  • pale,
  • dark chocolate,
  • intense red,
  • heather,
  • bottle green,
  • bright mint,
  • gray,
  • fuchsia,
  • off-white, delicate pink,
  • blue sea,
  • bright turquoise,
  • raspberry red,
  • toned roses.
Ms. summer can be used in eye makeup brown eye shadow , but have to be kept in cold colors. Summer beauty type should avoid the warm colors such. Orange or gold - these are reserved for the lady autumn. In this type of beauty is not recommended as yellow - if anything, it should be kept in lemon color. In addition, you should avoid black summer because it makes the skin looks very clear and pale.
Make up for summer also should follow the principles of color selection. We have to also remember that they can not then be too intense.Ms summer delicacy requires caution and beware of:
  • brown lipsticks,
  • orange lip gloss,
  • dark purple eye shadow.
Jewelry for summer also should be in cool colors. Cancel ordinary gold to white gold or silver. You will look beautiful, wearing pearls or diamonds. Jewelry is oxidized or being in the family for generations, are also created for your summer.

Female beauty of this type should always remember that her delicate skin rather likes sun and is willing to burn. This light skin, and not tan, the best fit of all delicate, bright blondes.The best form of skin is to protect it from UV rays .

Still not yours type? Next have to be for sure. This will autumn;)
You have idea for another post? U wanna know about something? Write it in comment;)


czwartek, 26 lutego 2015

type of beauty-Spring

As far as having a fair complexion blondes - ivory or soft gold, and for that which can boast blue, green, honey, gray-green, blue-gray or light brown eyes, we have to deal with the type of spring beauty. This woman has the most mouth-colored coral, peach or salmon. In spring you can also presence of freckles and blushes.As for the skin - in many representatives of this type of beauty, skin immediately after exposure becomes slightly brown color, while some women are fired first in red.The skin is extremely delicate spring.Sometimes, it is decorated with freckles.

Preferably spring woman looks in clothes: vanilla, beige, sand, cream, straw, coral, pale yellow, apricot, salmon, peach, tomato, caramel, lilac, sea, turquoise and navy blue. As for the green, it is also a great choice, with the exception of shade bottle, which should be avoided. You can also dress in gray, but only those warm. Spring woman should not wear black or white. For springs fit airy dresses in flowers and polka dots.
In preparing the dressing type of beauty woman with spring should choose clothes in shades of off-white, for example. In color sheep's wool, eggshell or cream. Type spring also looks good in warm or gold colors: light beige, sand color, very dark browns.
Type of spring beauty best is highlights delicate, elegant jewelry. Oversized ornaments look blocky andí you are very impressive. The jewelery is worth appreciating the color turquoise, topaz, blue sapphire, amber and coral beauty. If you like pearls on a decisive creamy and yellowish. With spring beauty also fits well ivory. Silver and white gold are not for you. Far better to look in yellow gold or warm red.
Type of spring beauty should put on perfume light, with floral scents. The ladies of this type should choose the girls' beauty, fresh scents of bright, clear color. Fragrances heavy, musky definitely do not fit. Type of spring beauty are such famous stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.This kind of beauty draws its subtlety and delicacy.

That's not your type yet? Wait on next posts;) 

Mill ;)

środa, 25 lutego 2015

Type of beauty-winter.

I will put here picture later when I will have time, because I need use laptop and for now this is not possible because my baby is trying to break it;d So in this moment I will write information's about you have to know if you want start do makeup and this will help you with colours with cosmetics and Clothes.. A lot people just doesn't know that something like type of beauty  exist, but this is really helpful and important;)
Are 4 basic types of beauty. Normally is 12  but we not really need them, but just for sure for you I will put here every types of those 4:)


Winter is a lady with a strong character, which fits expressive accents. Women's with this beauty fits most color combinations. They can go ahead and experiment with extravagant combinations. One sin they should not commit, then pretending delicate and ethereal womens. Type winter is feisty and courageous woman.

What color hair do you have about the type of beauty in winter? Of course dark almost black hair is their trademark. We're talking, of course about natural color. Winter type should not cchange the hair colour to blonde and if it is a whim it is better to let it be a very bright platinum blond or gray (steel).

this type of beauty is for the ladies, which in addition to dark hair have a crisp white or olive skin. In holding that the first type of beauty can be observed high contrast between hair color (dark) and skin color (cool, bright, almost white skin). Women with olive skin shade is reminiscent of Latin.Their complexion is dark and heavily tanned.

Ms. Winter does not have definite eye color. Characteristic for it is the contrast between the color of the iris of the eye and part of the protein. So if your the type of winter beauty is green or blue eyes, on the outside of the iris will have a dark border. This type can be identified by the dark rimmed eyes.

What colors are suitable for your winter? There's a freedom and full freedom. Featured are the clear, strong and cold, especially black and white. Dream is a juicy red color.Female beauty of this type will be felt well in gray, bottle green, burgundy, pink and even sharp. Not good winter  can look in muted pastels, browns and rust. From a distance, steer clear orange, light green and warm beiges.

Makeup can be expressive and powerful. Eyelashes are a great present tight with black mascara  Eyes can be highlighted with black liner pencil or eyeliner eyes . It is worth remembering a neutral principle applicable to all types of beauty: accentuate should be one element - either eyes or lips. Therefore, if you prefer winter will be more clearly emphasized lips can do it easily with luscious red lipstick color. The colors of eye shadowed recommended for women with a cold type of beauty are: black, charcoal, gray, purple, dark green, pink, turquoise. Shadows can be either pearlescent or matt.Ms. winter should not use pearl lipstick. Lipsticks are also forbidden in brown and beige.

ypu should wear a winter type of jewelry adorned with emeralds or rubies. Green and red perfectly accentuate her natural beauty. Ms. winter can also wear pearls in shades of gray, and silver and white gold. Makeup and accessories suitable color matched to the type of beauty make will look stunning and delicious.

The rest of  beauty types will in next posts because

wtorek, 24 lutego 2015

I wanted put picture here but is not working by phone.... Right.... In the morning was still possible-.- but that's mean that had to be like it and I have to go to sleep;) tomorrow I promise I will put picture and will start posting about information's about you will need help and try find, if is not here you can always ask me I will answer on blog;) kiss and goodnight;) xxxx

hi there ;)
How your day is going?;) My- really good I have a lot of ideas on fotoshoots makeup but I don't know if some days I will realize them all. ;d I hope a lot of them will;d for now I have to think about Saturday shoot and visage.;)  today in next post I will share picture of some makeup from session befor.;) I trying find some cool makeup cosmetics with cool colours and with good pigment;d u know maybe something like it about what I searching? ;) Here is not professional picture. This make up i did when I just finished school and I was bored baaad.;d do you like it?;) at least you know how I looks now hahaha; d

Hej Wam;) 
Jak leci wasz dzie moj bardzo dobrze. Mam bardzo duzo pomyslow na makijaz sesyjny, ale nie wiem czy wszystkie pomysly zrealizuje. Mam nadzieje ze wiekszosc tak. Poki co musze myslec o makijazu na sesje w Sobote;) W nastepbym poscie wstawie zdjecie z jednej z sesji z ktorej mozecie podziwiac makijaz. Probuje znalezc fajne kosmetyki kolorowe z dobrym napigmentowaniem. Moze znasz Jakie's? Tutaj wstawilam zdjecie nie profesjonalne. Ten makijaz zrobilam zaraz po ukonczeniu szkoly jak bylam bardzo znudzona wszystkim. Podoba Ci sie ? ;). Bynajmniej teraz wiesz jak wygladam ;p .

Mill :)

poniedziałek, 23 lutego 2015

I'm Milena and I am after cosmetic school.  So I have diploma like makeup artist and clothes stylist and beautician.
I just started do one of my dreams and I doing makeup for now on fotoshoots but I hope I will open something own soon .;d I will share here pictures of models with my makeup but I will write here about other things like for example how care about skin, what cosmetics are good or bad etc. If u have some questions just write to me ;)
I will write blog in two languages why? Because reading me Polish people and from other countries. Here is my link to my fun page on Facebook;

Nazywam sie Milena I jestem po szkole kosmetycznej, wiec mam dyplomy jako stylistka/wizazystka oraz kosmetyczka.
Dopiero co zaczelam spelniac swoje marzenia I zaczelam robic makijaze jak na razie na sesjach zdjeciowych ale mam nadzieje ze szybko otworze cos swojego. Bede wstawiac tutaj zdjecia modelek z moimi makijazami ale Bede pisac tez o innych rzeczach jak np jak dbac o skore, jakie kosmetyki za godne uwagi, a ktore nie it'd. Jesli masz Jakie's pytania poprostu napisz. Bede pisac bloga w dwoch jezykach a dlaczego? A dlatego, ze czytaja mnie Polacy jak I ludzie z innych krajow.
Tutaj znajduje sie link do mojego fun page na facebooku;


PS. Przepraszam, ze nie uzywam polskich znakow, ale jestem za granica I nie mam mozliwosci inaczej.
