niedziela, 1 marca 2015

How to recognize the shape of the face.

How to recognise shape of the face.

The advice on the selection of a suitable make-up or hair can often meet with prompts such as: "it fits into a triangular face, and that the square". The problem is that not everyone can immediately tell what shape has his face. Here are some tips on how to recognize it.

Comb your hair straight back, hands, cover your ears and look straight in the mirror. 
Each face has a unique character and hard to find two identical. Still, it is possible to distinguish four basic shapes: oval, triangular, square and round. 
The uniqueness of each type of beauty are all characteristics that affect the shape of the face:

  • broad forehead,
  • cheekbones,
  • pointed chin

  • round cheeks.
Find out how to identify your type. Assessing outline chin, cheeks and forehead, remember that the top edge is defined by a line of hair root, and not the shape of the skull. 

Oval It is considered ideal. Widest point facial contour cheekbone in the middle of the face. From this point on the face of steadily goes up and down. Softly rounded face toward the forehead and chin, the lower part is longer than the upper.With these traits even in the less successful makeup looks perfect. 

Triangle face has a characteristic broad, often rectangular forehead, at the base of the hair may occur bends. Set high cheekbones, chins part of a much extended and completed pronounced chin. The widest part of the face is the cheekbones, usually at eye level, here are typical wide mouth, rather thin lips and straight-set, small eyes.

quadrilateral most common and most characteristic type of face. Strongly developed jaw angles to its counterpart on the forehead.The face has the same width at the bottom and the top. The side parts of the face are straight lines. Here are characteristic of full lips with a rounded lower lip, large eyes and eyelids fully visible. 

The circle face is widest at the height of the cheeks. Oval or angular contour is "filled" and gives the impression of a round. The eyes shed primarily large, wide...Everything seems to be too round. Part cheek full, lips lightly marked, visually overwhelmed by the upper lip (?), Sometimes rounded nose. A good makeup look fantastic. 

Type Mixed Often it turns out that our face does not meet all the conditions that would allow clearly define its shape. Most of the facial features is mixed - Fantasy nature knows no boundaries in this case. It may be a face triagular-round, oval and rectangular, and various combinations thereof. Often such "mixed forms" have charm, are interesting and more interesting than ideal in the form of the face. Then choosing makeup or hairstyle we have to rely on your intuition. What is needed is creativity and patience to look perfect.

If you will know that a lot things will easier;)

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