niedziela, 6 listopada 2016


Not long time ago i started think about do hair too instead of only make up so i am searching for some study, courses for that too.
Since i remember i loved hair- i never trusted hairdreser (long story) hahah. When i had 14-15y old i started cut my hair and paint alone. everybody liked my ideas of my hair;) sooo if it works than why not to do something about that?:D

Sonja asked me about makeup and do hair for her  fotoshoot - well i never say no to that;)

Model: Sonja Smit and Dennis Zomerdijk
Photograph: Frans Heidenis
Make Up & Hair: Me;)


That was really nice day;)

Model: Sonja Smit
Photograph: Nelleke Breems
Make Up: Me;)

Was "gezellig";)

The rest pictrues from that fotoshoot you can see here:

you want more pictrues of makeup and fotoshoots?

Sorry but if you want too you have to wait because in tat moment my kids not letting me care about my blog hahahh

I am still waiting for some questions from you guys maybe advice or something.;)

let me know if my work is good enough;D


beebee eyeliner-my choice.;)

i've got change to get from beebee professional cosmetics  eyeliner for 5 euro. ( normal price is 17.95E).
I am not gonna change that one on something other. is perfect and easy to use. i did my wings in 2 minutes;)

satisfied Client came back too me;)

Natalia was in full satisfactionof her last Make Up by me so she came to me again for makeup to her fotoshoot;)


When i was in Poland i was searching for models for  transformations. You can see on pictrues how it goes.
You like it?

Natalia and Make Up no Make Up.
This one is perfect if u like have something on face but cant be too much and needs to looks natural;) 

Ilona and really sof Make Up for Wedding.
She didnt wanted nothing dark on eyes so is on first plane red lipstick!<3

Ania and Glamour Makeup.

Natalia. Natalia wanted check in a mirror and see somebody other than everyday.;)

Asia. She wear glasses. she wanted know how make gorgeous Makeup wich can do to glasses and without them. Sooo tadaaaa;)

Karolina. She choose some makeup from internet so i made something like it but i NEVER do the same Make Up what i can see on pictrues because than that makeup is not an my idea!;)

Ewa. She said that she never knew before that purple can looks at her good!;)
Well it can;)

Was another one woman but after makeup she just said : nah i dont want to put my face in internet-so she just let me do pics of her eyes;)


Romantic make Up;)

Romantic Make Up
Only I am sad that on pictrues this makeup looks bad... But i made that with not perfect camera from phone and with bad light.;(
Colour of eyeshadow is little bit lighter then on first pictrue and makeup is with "romantic" colours;).Still i hope you like it;)

poniedziałek, 1 lutego 2016

The most common makeup mistakes.

Poorly executed makeup adds years, exposes the shortcomings of the skin, disfigures and makes the face look unnatural. Mistakes in make up happen often. Too often! And just a little bit of moderation combined with good taste and sense of style.

The most known make-up artists of the world agree with the statement that it is better to go without makeup than to do it wrong along the way by making a series of unforgivable mistakes. Some women look much better without makeup or makeup almost invisible than a thick layer of icing, wrong made, curves eye lines on the eyelids and excess lipstick on  lips.

1. Makeup without foundation.

Very often we put powder, paint the eyes and mouth, and forget about the most important - about foundation. Makeup without foundation is fragile, pigmentation, scars and all other imperfections are not properly covered, and in the case of oily skin glow we see a face in the short time since the implementation of makeup.

Foundation is a compulsory element of make-up  and it should be selected carefully to the skin type.


 Brown, orange or yellow face and pale neck- that is the effect of the mask which is the most common and most serious mistake in make up.

 This effect we get as a result of the imposition of the foundation (usually significantly different from the color of the skin) only to the chin line.

 To avoid the effect of the mask  put the foundation to the neck, and in the case of  blouses with
decolletage also on the neckline. Foundation color should be close to the color of the skin - only in this way our makeup will look natural.

3. To much powder

  Only powder will not replace evenly distributed foundation and cover all skin imperfections. The excess powder on face looks unnatural, reveals wrinkles and imperfections, clog pores and is outmoded. For several years is in fashion naturalness, and too much powder denies.

4. Too dark or too light foundation

 Layer a large amount of clear foundation gives the impression that the woman is sick, anemic, has been sucked out of her blood or fell face into a bowl of flour. On the other hand, people with fair skin using dark foundation look artificially, their face look older and wrinkles are underlined.

The ideal foundation must be similar in color to the skin, should be light, reflect light and keep on the face all the day.

 5. Too intense pink on the cheeks

Perfect blush is one that does not differ significantly from the color of skin. All other unnatural blushes - blush orange or (horror of horrors!) A red simply look artificial and spoil the makeup.

Women with fair skin should use pink colors in cool, calm. For women with a swarthy complexion and olive excellent choice will be shades of warm, peach and brown.
6. Wrong chosen eyeshadow
The principle is one: a dark color visually reduces and the light increases. This rule does not comply with many women and so women with small, close-set eyes delight in the bars of black and graphite, brown or black eye shadows without realizing that their eyes appear even smaller than they actually are.
The reverse situation applies to women with large, sometimes bulging eyes that maniacal apply clear and pearlescent eye shadows thus making their eyes appear just overly big.

Another mistake is to use the shadows of the same color as the iris of the eye. This will make it look blurred, hazy and off. Be sure to use shades of contrasting colors that enliven and "sharpen" look.
7. Witch eyebrows ;)
Blonde with black as ebony eyebrows or brunette with bright eyebrows - two ladies in this statement will look ridiculous, and even intimidating. Eyebrow color should be close to your hair color.

If you change hair color do not forget to change the color of eyebrows. We can do it in cosmetic surgery donating his eyebrows henna as well as during the realization of makeup using special pencils or shadows.
Or just unnatural big eyebrows painted with black pencil.. (do not do it).
8.Wrong chosen color lipstick
Application on mouth too much lip gloss looks unsightly, in some cases one gets the impression that the excess cosmetic soon come upon the earth, not to mention the traces left behind on glasses, eating and men's lips.

Equally bad look thin lips painted dark lipstick mouth and held prominent livid color. The safest shades of lipstick colors are natural, close to the natural color of the mouth.
For me thats the most  common mistakes in the makeup.

U know more? Share with me!;)

środa, 20 stycznia 2016

treatment before makeup.

Make-up  is the beginning of the day for many women. If you want to  look perfect,  you have to prepared to your  skin.
It's not about how to do makeup, but what to do before you start. Remembering a few details, greatly increases the chance that your makeup will be lasting and flawless.

Step 1
How to start face makeup? First of hygiene. You have to  start by washing your face with liquid or gel adapted to your skin type and boiled water. Tap water is not suitable

Step 2
 Do not use the peeling morning, because you can irritate your skin of face. You need to remember this treatme before falling asleep. However, the skin should be completely smooth. If yours is not, use the peeling whipes- makeup will stay longer on face.

Step 3
 Invest in a good face cream. It have to of course be tailored to skin type. Best buy it at the pharmacy.
If you have dry skin, the cream should moisturize if your problem is oily complexion, cosmetics have to do matt then would not shine.

Step 4.
 Sometimes it happens that even though you use the above tips, makeup face is very impernament.
Simply disappears after a few hours. Remember that is very important to the quality of cosmetics to the face. This of course is related to their price, but sometimes you spend more in order to save time and nerves.
there are also cases that and cream and foundation are very good, but do not interact with each other. You should then change one of them;)).

I hhope this will helpfull;)


gold & brown;)

Gold and brown stars useing a lot of the times on red carpet;)
Looks simple and beautiful. You can make your lips red, pink, what ever you want to.
Makeup what i did is on every occasions.  Prom, party hmmmm maybe dinner with parents in-low?;d

You can see on short movie how this looks in real.

You can watch movie here- youtube
Check my funpage here-facebook

You like it?;)


poniedziałek, 18 stycznia 2016

green and gold eyezzz ;)

Hi guys,
Last time i was here loooong time ago , because i have small kids so i didnt had time enough for my blog and my funpage on facebook also... Now i am back and doing that much how i can to do whait i like to do.;)

From this time i made 2 more makeup ill put here my work. I have still a lot work to do, because ppl asking me about some ideas for makeup on prom , disco night, daily makeup, eyebrows etc.  In February i am going to Poland for vacation, but thats not mean that ill not do nothing about makeup... There waiting on me 14 girls/women for makeup. After that time you will see my work. ;) what exactly i am gonna do? For now its secret;)

Here is my idea for prom makeup. Girl wanted green and gold eyezzz;))

funpage- facebook

And here you can see short movie how it looks. On pictrues i couldnt show how it looks in real.

klick here-youtube.
